Brown Sugar Pawpaw Milk Bubble Tea
I’ve been craving bubble tea and thought what could be better than brown sugar pawpaw milk bubble tea?
Pawpaws have a subtle sweetness on their own but adding the brown sugar to the boba before mixing it with the pawpaw milk is an irresistible combination.
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My sister went to a preserve in Lancaster and picked pawpaws. She gave me a few to try. Pawpaws are native to North America and have a flavor similar to banana and mango mixed together. They are ripe and ready to use when the fruit is soft to the touch, kind of like an avocado. I cut mine open just like an avocado as well. The skin and seeds are not edible. The fruit should be a nice yellow color when ripe.
I bought these 5 minute tapioca pearls and these multicolor straws for drinking the bubble tea.
Bubble tea is a drink that started in Taiwan typically made with tea, milk, and/or fruit with chewy tapioca pearls at the bottom. The brown sugar pawpaw milk bubble tea is my take on the classic brown sugar milk bubble tea.
First, I scooped out the pawpaw fruit and added it to a cup of milk mixed with light cream. You can use just milk, but I wanted a more indulgent treat. I whisked it at first, but then I got tired and added it to a small blender to make sure the pawpaw was well incorporated with the milk.
Next, I prepared the tapioca pearls according to the directions on the bag. Half a cup may be a touch too much for just one serving, so feel free to adjust the number of pearls you use to your preference.
After that, I added the drained pearls to a bowl and stirred in the brown sugar. You can let the pearls cool or serve them warm.
To assemble your brown sugar pawpaw milk bubble tea, add the tapioca pearls to a cup and top with some ice and the pawpaw milk. Or, if you’re like me, completely forget the ice until you pour in the milk.
Learn more about pawpaws and where to find them here!

Brown Sugar Pawpaw Milk Bubble Tea
- 3-4 pawpaws
- 1 cup milk of choice
- 1/2 cup tapioca pearls
- 3 Tbsp brown sugar
Slice the pawpaws in half and scoop out the fruit into a mixing bowl
Add 1 cup milk to the pawpaws and mix or place in blender until well
Prepare the tapioca pearls per instructions
Place the drained tapioca pearls in a bowl and stir in the brown sugar
Pour the tapioca pearls in the bottom of a glass
Add ice
Pour over the pawpaw milk
I hope you like this recipe for brown sugar pawpaw milk bubble tea. What’s your favorite bubble tea?