2017 Gardening Update

gardeningApril is over and I have just about everything I want planted in my garden.  This gardening season is going to be a lot better than last year.  We have been receiving plenty of rain and the weather is beautiful.  I have already got some sprouts peeking up through the soil.

My seed starting did not go as planned this year.  Everything was coming along nicely and I moved the peat pots from the pantry to the dining room so they could get more sun.  One problem: I have cats.  My lovely long haired calico, Tippy, decided to knock the top off the greenhouse and eat all the tomato and basil buds.  

Did you know tomato plants are poisonous to dogs and cats?  Ripe tomatoes are not poisonous, but the plant itself is.  Lucky for me, I have all my cats enrolled with HomeAgain, a microchip company that includes free calls to poison control with its subscription.  The woman I spoke to assured me that Tippy would be fine since the tomatoes were only in the beginning phase of growing that there probably wasn’t a lot of solanine, the poison found in tomatoes.  Stomach upset was possible, but Tippy was fine.

She doesn’t care what she did.

My tomatoes were another story.  So, off I went to direct sow my seeds.  I am very good at improvising and not worrying about what happens when it comes to most things in life.  That being said, I lost the paper where I had mapped out what I finally planted where.  I have a general idea since I have the map I initially made, but I did adjust it when I direct sowed my seeds. 

Here’s what I have planted this year:

  • Tomatoes
  • Basil
  • Oregano
  • Parsley
  • Garlic
  • Rosemary
  • Lima Beans
  • Cucumber
  • Fennel
  • Beets
  • Sweet Peppers
  • Strawberry Spinach
  • Chamomile